Sports Grant
The sports premium grant is provided jointly by the departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and is given to schools to improve provision of Physical Education (P.E) and sport in primary schools. Primary schools receive a lump sum of money, plus an amount based on the number of pupils in the school.
At TMBSS, we believe that offering children a wide range of high-quality experiences is very important; this can highlight hidden talents and interests and also enable students to participate in activities which may not ordinarily be accessible to them. It addition, we feel it is important to offer high quality PE teaching from highly trained staff.
Last year TMBSS Primary had £3750 Sports Grant.
This level of funding enabled us to offer the same wealth of enrichment opportunities for our young people. This included swimming for all primary pupils, a Year 5/6 residential and a Year 3/4 activity day at Condover Hall.
Impact of the Funding
The Residential and Activity Days were highlights of the year for both staff and pupils. The experience highlighted to staff a range of everyday experiences that the students found difficult which otherwise we would not have been aware of such as eating a range of foods, dealing with changes to routine, building relationships with new staff, eating in a busy dining room, staying away from home for the first time and managing their own self care needs. In addition, there was the fear of heights, lack of resilience, lack of team skills and the barriers around trying an activity for the first time. However, all children, and staff, achieved so much more than they ever thought, and all came away with an achievement to be proud of.
The impact from swimming was varied due to the range of abilities; a large number of children had never swam before, some had never been to a swimming pool and we also had a number of talented swimmers. For all children the main impact was on their confidence in the water and skill development at their level. All children who were originally non-swimmers were able to keep themselves afloat and travel across the pool either aided or unaided. The talented swimmers learnt to perfect their strokes, dives and turns in the pool.
This year TMBSS Primary have £8500 Sports Grant.
Due to the change in model commissioned by the Local Authority and the short term placements now in place for all young people at TMBSS we are no longer able to plan for and offer the same opportunities as in previous years. This year we will instead be employing a specialist PE teacher to deliver our PE curriculum. This will replicate the experience that many of our young people have of being taught by a different member of staff for PE which we hope will better equip them for the return to their mainstream school or transfer to a new setting.
Our 2022/23 Year 6 swimming cohort consisted of 1 pupil who attended on a part-time basis.
Percentage of pupils within the 2022/23 Year 6 cohort that could do each of the following:
Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: 100%
Use a range of strokes effectively: 100%
Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: 0%