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Hospital Provision & Medical Outreach

Medical Outreach

Who do we teach?

Children and young people with a medical condition are likely to be at substantial disadvantage compared to their healthy peers.

Our role within Medical Outreach is to ensure this disadvantage does not extend to their education. We accept referrals from consultants for children and young people across Shropshire, who as a result of a medical need, are unable to attend their usual school provision for a period of time.

Where do we teach?

Children and young people are generally taught in their own homes. This is usually the most appropriate setting for their health needs, however they can also be taught in alternative settings if beneficial to the child or young person.

What do we teach?

Our Teachers and Learning Mentors work in collaboration with the child or young person’s usual educational setting to provide the most appropriate personalised curriculum that we can offer. We follow the curriculum of the child or young person’s usual school but adapt and modify it to meet individual need.

How do we support our students and promote well-being?

Staff are always mindful of the child or young person’s medical condition and the impact this may have on their ability to access learning. Staff offer support with re-engagement in education, motivation and re-building confidence. Staff can support with integration packages back into the usual school setting when the time is right.

How do we communicate, review and report?

Staff collaborate with families, health professionals and educational staff to ensure the support provided is suitable and is adapted over time as a child or young person’s medical and academic needs change. Most teaching takes place in the home whilst a parent/guardian is present so feedback to families happens as a matter of course. Communication with a key worker in the usual educational setting is key to ensuring a smooth transition back into school. Educational Reviews are held, as the situation requires, to ensure all professionals involved with the child or young person are meeting the child or young person’s needs.


Education of Children with Medical Needs (Short Term) Policy

Education of Children with Medical Needs (Long Term) Policy