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Harlescott Education Centre

Harlescott Education Centre caters for students in Years 1 to 6.  Children can access two different models at Harlescott, depending on their circumstances.  These are the Sixth Day Provision Model (for permanently excluded students) and the Shared Placement Model (alongside a mainstream school) accessed via the Inclusion Advice Forum.   

Aims of Harlescott Education Centre

  • Students who are experiencing difficulties in school to receive their entitlement to a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum through their placement.
  • Students to be happy and enthusiastic learners who feel supported, valued and cared for in a safe, secure environment.
  • Students to develop high standards of behaviour and a courteous manner.
  • Students to value others, developing mutual respect for all, and appreciating the wide range of cultures and beliefs in the world.
  • Students to have the opportunity to work co-operatively and independently, taking responsibility for their actions whilst developing confidence and self-esteem.


Attendance is a priority for TMBSS. It is crucial to the success of a student’s placement, their subsequent placements and academic progress. TMBSS actively seek to encourage all students to work towards achieving a full attendance record.

Attendance is monitored daily by the Assistant Head and discussed weekly by the Senior Leadership Team.

The administrators actively pursue each pupil’s attendance by a system of daily phone calls at close of register.

If we have 3 consecutive non-attendances without contact from parent/carer, or without an adequate explanation, then we would follow the Local Authority’s attendance tracking progress guidance.

Staff may conduct unannounced visits to monitor students attendance and offer support where appropriate.

We work closely with the Education Welfare Officer who may use a range of approaches. In cases of persistent attendance issues, EWOs may seek to issue court proceedings, resulting in a fine of £2,500 and/or 3 months imprisonment.

Expectations of parents:  

Parents/carers are expected to encourage maximum attendance.

When absence occurs, parents/carers are required to contact the Primary admin team on 01743 460252 to provide a reason for absence at the earliest opportunity. It is also parental responsibility to contact transport on 01743 252473 to cancel taxis as appropriate.

If we do not receive notification of absence from yourselves, you will be contacted.

In the case of persistent non-attendance issues, parents/carers will be required to discuss the matter with the Assistant Head at an early stage and to work with the staff in resolving any problems together.

TMBSS may invite the parents/carers to an Attendance Review Meeting in order to try and resolve attendance issues.

Authorised absences are sessions away from school for a reason such as genuine illness of the pupil or another unavoidable cause.

Unauthorised absences are those which TMBSS does not consider reasonable and for which no “leave” has been given.

This includes:

  • Parents/carers keeping students off school unnecessarily.
  • Absences which have never been properly explained.
  • Term time holidays.

Key information regarding Transport

• TMBSS do not determine whether a student is eligible for transport, this is decided by the LA Transport Department.

• TMBSS support with the completion and submission of the transport form but this does not mean that your child will be allocated assisted travel arrangements.

• If you have any queries regarding transport please telephone them directly on 01743 252473.

Feeling Unwell

If students become unwell during the school day we will make every effort to contact you so that you can collect your child. If your child travels in a taxi, please be aware a taxi cannot be put in place to transport your sick child home.

How do we manage behaviour?

Everybody has the right to learn, to feel safe, to be respected and to be fairly treated.

Key areas of our behaviour policy:

  • Everyone is expected to behave in a reasonable way, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to encourage others to do the same.
  • Prevention rather than intervention strategies is regarded as the norm.
  • Specialist staff work to remove barriers to learning that may have become entrenched in former educational settings.
  • Staff work to create an ethos where acceptable behaviour is positively encouraged and misbehaviour is reduced.
  • Where negative behaviours occur, TMBSS staff are trained to use CPI Verbal Intervention & CPI Safety Intervention – verbal de-escalation and physical disengagement techniques.
  • Where students are at risk of causing harm to themselves, others or to property, they may be held using a safety intervention.
  • Only staff trained in MAPA techniques will carry out these interventions. Parents will be informed if a hold is used.  
  • Incidents will be dealt with using restorative approaches.

School Uniform  


Students are expected to wear plain, black or grey trousers or skirt, a plain polo shirt and a plain sweatshirt. All students should wear black shoes. Please clearly mark all items of clothing with their name.


Students wear their mainstream school uniform. PE and Sport Students will need a change of clothing for PE: shorts or jogging bottoms, T-shirt and trainers. In the interests of health and safety all jewellery must be removed for PE.


Valuable items should not be brought into the Centre. This includes mobile phones, iPads and other electronic devices. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage to personal items, and members of school staff are not able to look after, or accept responsibility for, such items during the school day.

Break Time

In line with our ‘Healthy Eating’ policy the students are offered a piece of fruit and a drink of water in the morning and the afternoon. On a Friday pupils are offered a biscuit and milk as an alternative. If you have any concerns about this, please speak directly to staff.


At TMBSS our policy is not to set homework, however, if you would like your child to receive homework weekly, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Accessibility Plan

Harlescott Accessibility Plan 2023