As part of their extended curriculum children have been learning about portraits at Monkmoor Education Centre.
As part of their extended curriculum children have been learning about portraits at Monkmoor Education Centre.
Sundorne Education Centre celebrating International day of Women and Girls in Science
Sundorne pupils creating portraits of Queen Elizabeth 2nd in recognition of her Platinum Jubilee this weekend.
Children at Monkmoor have been learning about the value of coins.
Pupils from the morning group at Harlescott participated in our first interschool sports competition at the Sports Village in Shrewsbury.
As part of their learning about Chinese New Year the children at Monkmoor made a popular desert using coconut milk, bananas and cinnamon.
On Friday 28th January Sundorne Education centre ran a themed day celebrating Chinese New Year.
Children at Monkmoor continue to extend curriculum learning into their playtimes. Here science and literacy combine as the children independently set up and run the reception for the vets.